Llevo tiempo queriendo tener un blog pero nunca encontraba el momento para ponerme a ello y por fin, hoy, después de fingir que estudio durante toda la tarde me he decidido a ello...¡Ahí va mi primera entrada, espero que haya muchas más!
Nuestro profesor de inglés nos pidió que contestáramos a esta pregunta 'What does love mean?'
Esto fue lo que se me pasó por la cabeza...
Love. How does a four letter word could be that difficult to explain? I don’t think there’s a true love that lasts forever. Not at least when you’re nineteen. I not going to tell you how perfect could be being in love, there are too many romantic movies that could make you feel sick faster. I think this feeling that we call love should be recognized by our facts instead of by our words. It is worthless telling your partner ‘I love you’ one million times a day if then your behavior shows another completely different shit. It’s too easy to tell someone what they want to hear, but sometimes we say without words what we really mean. And I think love at any age is telling those ‘sweet’ things with no words at all.